Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Countdown Has Begun

We are now 1 week from leaving. Our last day at work was a few days ago, and it still feels like the weekend. We have been tying up some loose ends. Banking, insurance, selling the car, cancelling phones, etc. Today is an exciting day as it's laundry day. :) It's really weird having all this time on your hands. You always think about what you could do with all this free time, like clean the house, finish up that project you started, take care of all the little things you have been meaning to take care of, and then of course do something to enjoy yourself. But when you get the time, you really don't know what to do with it. I guess it's because we are now on a tight budget and can't really do anything fun, and also because we don't own anything so we also don't have any responsibilities. You really become used to the fact that you always have something to do and something to take care of, but when all those things are done, then what? I'm sure you're not feeling sorry for us right about now nor do I expect you to. I think we'll figure out ways to pass the time. We'll watch the shows we've been meaning to catch up on, and if you know us you know we don't have cable so there is a lot of catching up to do. We'll sleep in, we'll catch up with friends, and generally just hang out. This weekend is of course thanksgiving and we have a lot of family time planned.

When we were planning our trip I made sure to plan it for after Thanksgiving. I wanted an opportunity to see our families before we go. After Monday it will all go by very fast. Our flight leaves at 9:30am on Wed. Oct. 13 so really after the weekend we only have 1 day left. We're flying into Bangkok and right now the weather there is partly sunny with a high of 31 degrees Celsius. Let's hope the monsoon rains end soon so we can hit the beaches.

We have been putting all the things we need to take on the trip in a box, and Andrew has now emptied the box and placed everything on the living room floor. I think his mom will really appreciate that we have turned her living room into a packing area when she gets home. I think the next step is a "dry run" with the packing. I'm procrastinating as I don't want to think about all the things I will not be able to bring with me and making decisions is giving me headaches. We have been going through our clothes to see what needs to be thrown away, what we can give to Goodwill and what to pack away for when we come back. It feels good to be purging. It makes me feel like this is a fresh start to our trip and when we come back we can have a fresh start as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret and Andrew! I know exactly what you are going through, but I'm sure it’ll all be worth it once the journey begins...and you get to come visit me in NZ!!:) Loving the Blog! Tara (aka Gaga)
