Thursday, July 14, 2011

Agnes Water/1770

We left Pippies and Rainbow Beach around noon the next day. It was hard to get up in the morning but we somehow managed it. We said goodbye to everyone and exchange contact info with Anne. She was also driving up to 1770 but would be trying to get a job around Bundaberg. The drive was pretty uneventful, we were both tired so we took it easy. We arrived in Agnes Water in the evening and checked in to the hostel Cool Bananas where you could sleep in your can for a cheaper price but still use all their facilities. As soon as we got there Anne called and said she was in Agnes Water too so we told her to join us in Cool Bananas.

Agnes Water & 1770 are two towns right next to each other. I couldn’t get a clear answer if they were two separate towns or if they were the same town. Depending on which local you talked to, they gave you a different answer. On the map they appear as two separate towns, but because they are both tiny and right next to each other, they get bundled together as one. The name 1770 is used a lot more mainly because it’s a number, which is unusual for the name of a town. You may have guessed based on my previous posts, this town was named after Captain Cook passed through here in 1770.

We came here mainly because we learned from Tribal Travel that you can do a castaway trip to a deserted island from here. The cool part was you would be flown out there on a small plane and left on the island for 1 night, for only $85. This was exciting because you got a 20 minute flight there and a 20 minute flight back. If you would have liked to book a 1 hour flight anywhere else just to see Australia from the air, you would have to spend at least $200 - $300, so the $85 was worth it.

That night we spent a quiet night at the hostel watching tv. The past week at Pippies and Fraser Island had exhausted us. We were booked for Castaway the next day.

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