We have landed in Hong Kong after after saying some very emotional goodbyes in Toronto. Overall the past few days have been very emotional and I think everything just started to hit me a few days ago. I didn't think leaving friends and family behind would be this difficult. Since the previous weekend was thanksgiving we were able to spend a lot of time with family and I'm glad we had the opportunity to do that. I am now sitting on the floor at HK airport blogging from my iPod while Andrew is getting us something to drink and I wait for our iPods to charge. The flight here took approx 14 hours but I have to say it didn't feel that long. We actually had quite a bit of leg room compared to other flights and the meals were pretty good as well. We are now waiting for our connecting flight to Bangkok so we have around 4 hours to kill. We didn't sleep a lot on the flight over here so hopefully we'll be able to catch up on this flight.
It was interesting flying here because we took off at 9:30am from Toronto and as the flight progressed it got darker and darker outside and after a few hours it was night again. So we went from waking up at 5am in the dark, taking of in the morning, to complete night and landed in HK at noon local time. And for those of you wondering, there is a 12 hr time difference between TO and HK. Needless to say we're pretty tired.
For those of you who know Andrew, you will appreciate this; he just informed me that at Burger King here you can up size your drink to a beer.
Karolina you and Jarrod will be happy to know Andrew is in full out cheap mode and has scoured the whole airport for the cheapest water. He is very excited because he just saved us $5.
Loving the updates - please keep them coming! I'm glad you got to Hong Kong and probably by now are in Bangkok enjoying your start to your big adventure.
ReplyDeleteMissing you tons, but so excited to hear more about your amazing trip!
hahahah...keep it up! YAH! next time drink the tap water!!
ReplyDeleteWe almost did at the hostel in Bangkok...Andrew was convinced you can drink from it. But I finally told him to double check with front desk and unfortunately no...you can not drink the tap water. The funny thing was he said to me "Trust me, this water is cleaner than what you're going to get anywhere else"
ReplyDeleteWHAT!!! I want to up size everything to beer, is this a trick of some sort, what type of beer?(root beer)<--NO THANKS